Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Many Shades of Kanak

Black, White and the Grays in Between is now available on Amazon and Flipkart.

Life has an extraordinary ability to leave you unfulfilled. As easy as it is to acknowledge and be thankful for your blessings, it is equally hard to let go of desires; desires that were never fortunate enough to find wings.

I look ahead and all I see
A vast, endless, and lonely sea
Of all the fears that afflict my heart
The scariest is not being able to hold you close to my heart

She had walked along the vast expanse countless times, both in Mumbai and in Houston. The gulf had an uncanny ability to make her feel closer to her roots. The evening sun looked the same no matter where in the world she was. Its dazzle, once bright and resplendent, was now demure and ready to be enveloped by the infiniteness of the enormous bay. Her accomplishments and desires played the exact same hide and seek each day. The morning sun saw her as a skillful, and compassionate doctor, married to an equally successful and kind man. The evening sun saw her as a broken and desolate woman, a woman who had lost the battle against her own faith.

With every step that she took, she saw her life – a life that she had dreamt of - pass her by. She often wondered why life had denied her the love of a mother. The same remorseless life had also given her a nurturing father, and a kind and passionate lover. The men in her life had supported her, applauded her, and held her close through the turns of life. Each morning she felt gratitude for the forces that had helped her become the woman that many looked up to, but the twilight brought out the real fear and the dejection in her eyes. As the sun submerged itself into the unending horizon every evening, the loneliness in her heart took over, leaving her alone and unfulfilled.

Prayer helped, but just enough to get her through the days. It kept her determination and talent shielded from her emotions and helped her achieve the successes that her father had dreamt for her. Her Pa had introduced her to her faith when she was still a young girl who had never known her mother. Gayatri, he had said, was her mother. She had stared in bewilderment at the idol, seeking the love of a mother in the smiling eyes of the deity that sat on a pink lotus in the center of the temple. From that day on, the goddess had a new daughter. Her name was Kanak.

Black White and the Grays in Between Kanak Prologue

Black, White and the Grays in Between is now available on Amazon and Flipkart.

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